Town Unites to Launch Central Sutton Vaccination Site

A new site for Sutton Coldfield’s Covid-19 Vaccination Programme has been launched today, Monday 1st February.

Andrew Mitchell MP launches site and thanks staff.

Exterior Clock Tower lit blue for NHS.

Vesey Ballroom of Sutton Coldfield Town Hall ready for launch.

Collaboration team on stage L-R.

Team names available in ENDS.

01 February 2021 PRESS RELEASE

The significant development in the roll-out of vaccines at Sutton Coldfield Town Hall has been the result of collaboration between Sutton Coldfield Group Practice, University Hospitals Birmingham (UHB) Trust, Summerhill Services Ltd, Birmingham and Solihull Clinical Commissioning Group (BSOL CCG), Royal Sutton Coldfield Town Council, Sutton Coldfield Town Hall and the Rt Hon. Andrew Mitchell MP.

Sutton Coldfield Group Practice has been granted permission by NHS England to change their designated Covid vaccination site from the Falcon Lodge Medical Centre to the Edwardian venue in King Edwards Square. This will allow the Falcon Lodge site to return to surgery use, with its final vaccinations taking place on Sunday 31st January. This move will enable the team to deliver more vaccines per week.

Dr Jean-Claude Desveaux of SCGP said “Both vaccines -Pfizer and Astra Zeneca ‘Oxford’- are very effective and which one given on any day depends on the deliveries we receive.

“We have a wide pool of vaccinators including retired doctors and nurses, paramedics, nurses seconded from different organisations, physios, podiatrists etc to enable us to continue to deliver medical services from our individual sites. The site will be active for 9 hours per day 7 days a week vaccine supply permitting.”

Vaccinations are allocated according to NHS and Government guidelines and visitors will be contacted by telephone for their appointment. Those without an appointment will not be admitted.

Those attending for vaccination do not need to purchase a ticket in the Birmingham City Council pay and display car park which is opposite the Town Hall on Anchorage Road. Adjacent to the BCC car park, The Townhouse has also granted free parking for people attending for vaccination.

Royal Sutton Coldfield Town Council is co-ordinating the volunteer steward roles to support the vaccination programme, details of which can be found at Sutton Coldfield Together.

Councillor Simon Ward, Leader of Royal Sutton Coldfield Town Council said,

“Thanks to a monumental effort by the SCGP team, many thousands of vaccinations have already been given at the Falcon Lodge Medical Centre. Adding our iconic Sutton Coldfield Town Hall on board as the central vaccination centre for our royal town will increase both the number of jabs delivered to the residents and the speed at which they can be administered. Crucially, it will make residents across our community safer more quickly. Throughout the pandemic the Town Council has stood ready to provide whatever support and assistance residents need and is delighted to again offer this practical support to our local NHS, GPs and residents in this next stage in the fight against coronavirus.”

Rt Hon Andrew Mitchell MP said “ As the National vaccination campaign gathers pace it has always been clear that our Town Hall is the right and best location for our Royal Town . I am proud that working closely with Dr Rahul Dubb our lead GP, the Royal Sutton Coldfield Town Council, and the NHS locally and nationally we are now able to surge ahead delivering this life saving service for my constituents in our great Town Hall”.

Birmingham Community Healthcare Trust (BCHC) staff have also begun doing home visits to vaccinate our housebound patients who are not able to travel to any vaccination centres.

Sutton Coldfield Town Hall is an independent, charity-run venue. The Theatre has been closed to the public since March 2020, however it has operated as a Blood Donor Centre, Dance School and Food Bank Donation Centre during the pandemic. Food Bank donations continue at the far side of the building on Mondays and Fridays, 10am – 2pm.


Attached Photos:

  • Andrew Mitchell MP launches site and thanks staff
  • Vesey Ballroom of Sutton Coldfield Town Hall ready for launch
  • Exterior Clock Tower lit blue for NHS
  • Collaboration team on stage L-R

Paul Sherriff – Chief Officer Primary Care and Integration NHS Birmingham and Solihull CCG

Julie Rennison, Managing Director, Sutton Coldfield Town Hall

Dr Peter Ingham – GP Sutton Coldfield Group Practice

Dr Roger Gent – GP Sutton Coldfield Group Practice

Dr Clara Day – Clinical Lead for the Birmingham and Solihull COVID vaccine programme, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust

Andrew Mitchell MP

Olive OSullivan, Chief Executive Officer, Royal Sutton Coldfield Town Council

Dr Rahul Dubb, Chair, Sutton Coldfield Group Practice

Richard Mason – Chair, Royal Sutton Coldfield Community Town Hall Trust

Paul Jennings – Chief Executive NHS Birmingham and Solihull CCG

Dame Yve Buckland – Chair of the Birmingham and Solihull Integrated Care System (ICS)

Sutton Coldfield Together link (