Theatre Use during the Coronavirus pandemic November 2021

IMPORTANT: Keep up to date with Government Covid-19 Guidelines as these are changeable


  1.  Negligible
  2. Minor injury
  3. Major injury
  4. Single death
  5. Multiple deaths


  1. Improbable

  2. Possible

  3. Occasional

  4. Fairly frequent

  5. Frequent

  6. Certainty

Risk: Audience Visits, Reduce the risk of spreading the Covid- 19 virus

People at risk: Employees Audiences Volunteers

Current controls:

Government guidance that has been in force since beginning of 2020. Working Safely in Hotels and Offices & Contact Centres

Social distancing 1m where possible. Washing hands frequently, Not touching face, Not working or visiting if ill or symptoms.

Audiences advised to wear face coverings when moving around the building, taken off when in seats or sat at bar table.

Severity x Likelihood = Risk Rating :

2×1=2 LOW

Additional control measures:

Issue guests with Covid-19 reminders

Venue team manage expected time of arrival of audiences to manage queues

Encourage visitors and staff to test themselves 24 hours or less before visit / work

Ensure rooms are cleaned prior to entering

Sanitiser Stations available for Guests

Employ door staff to help distance queues and answer questions.

Identify any mobility issues so that a safe route can be planned for to maintain social distancing and if there is an emergency

New risk rating Severity x Likelihood = Risk Rating:

2×1=2 LOW